Building HBase Applications 101: How HBase Can Help You Build Scalable, Distributed Applications
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  Aleks Shulman   Aleks Shulman
Software Engineer


Wednesday, August 20, 2014
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

Level:  Technical - Introductory

Building applications that work with HBase will allow developers to take advantage of the highly-available, distributed, and scalable back-end. This talk will discuss the APIs available, the semantic model behind HBase, and the design affordances it provides. The talk will also give some tips and tricks to get up to speed.

The talk will be divided into three main parts: Intro to HBase (what and why), How to Get Started, and Application Lifecycle Considerations. By the end of the talk, developers will be able to understand what types of applications are suited for HBase, what APIs and libraries they will need in order to get started, and finally, how their application will fare as they upgrade their HBase versions.

Aleks is a Software Engineer in Test, specializing in Cloud Platforms, writing automation to make sure that Hadoop works well on various cloud deployments and storage architectures. Previously he worked on test engineering for Apache HBase. He has been at Cloudera for four years.

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