Thursday, August 21, 2014 
11:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Level: | Technical - Introductory
We combine two very powerful ideas, Associative Memories and Kolmogorov Complexity for Cognitive Computing in order to make meaning from huge data sets in real time. Associative Memories mimic how humans learn and think but much faster and more powerfully. The Associative Memory functions as a universal NoSQL graph representation of structured and unstructured data. The universal cognitive distance based on Kolmogorov Complexity is used for reasoning by similarity on top of the NoSQL store.
We’ll show use cases from health care @Mt Sinai Hospital in NY - automatic diagnosis of echocardiograms in real time, from global risk @The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - real time threat scoring reading incoming emails, and from maintenance and repair @Boeing - predicting before a part breaks.
Paul is CTO @Saffron Tech w 20+ years experience as executive in chemical (BASF) & IT industry (SAP, VP R&D) & terrific academic background as Scientist & Assistant Professor @Northwestern University, MIT, Munich & Darmstadt Institute of Technology.